Love is the answer

After three failed marriages, I vowed to never marry again. At 51 I wanted to be married forever! On June 9, 2022 I married my soulmate without any prenup and legally waived my right to a divorce.


My name is Brandon Wade, CEO of

When I was young, I lacked self confidence, which led me to crave female attention that was missing. My lack drove me to launch Seeking Arrangement in 2006 and to build it into the world’s largest sugar dating website. I became successful. My dating life flourished. I thought I had life figured out. In 2014, I arrogantly declared in a article that “Love is a concept invented by poor people.”

I was a fool.

For the last decade, I openly embraced non-monogamy. Now, I understand that was my excuse for not giving all my love to one partner.

I married my soulmate, and
waived my right to divorce. 


Everything changed when I met my soulmate, Dana, on At the end of our first date she said, “I know you are looking for love, and I am going to show you true love.”

While others focused on what I could give them, Dana focused on how she could give me a safe space to be vulnerable and authentic. Dana’s love was different. It led me to finally ask myself, “What is love?” And I realized true love and self-love were the answer to heal the trauma, pain and guilt of my Ego.

True love isn’t shown through words, great sex, or expensive gifts. Those are fun, but true love is shown through thoughts and actions wrapped with good intentions.

Mirroring my evolution, has shed its “arrangement” past. What started as a sugar dating site is so much more today. While compensated dating has always been banned, the phrase “sugar dating” has been increasingly misused, as such, is relaunching on February 14th as the largest platform for success-minded individuals who want to Just Date Up.

Just as I found my soulmate there, I hope will help you find what you’re looking for too. You might just be surprised.

Set aside your Ego, and you will understand true love.

Brandon Wade with Seeking announcement